Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Last Day

Or last full day I should say...

Well, I can't believe how fast the time has gone; probably feeling double fast because of all the running around that's been necessary BUT we did manage to squeeze in some fun things like a Blipmeet and a visit to Platres plus catching up with friends!

Today was supposed to be a full day off, but I decided I wanted to visit the developer and bank for my flat near here, and I am so glad I did as there could be light at the end of the tunnel! I am really pleased and relieved.

And it's been a beautiful day, and I got to play two games of air-hockey though G beat me on both! :(  Had to do the usual clean before leaving anywhere and glad it's been done in the relative cool of the evening. We're all packed too, leaving tomorrow relatively stress free. Airport for mid-day... so we'll see about blipping.

My picture is of the Salt Lake in Larnaca which sees migratory birds and is not quite so dry in the winter. It's the first time I've seen it so white. It makes a nice difference. This was taken on the way back to G's flat after I got beaten at those two games of air-hockey <eye roll>. Don't miss the wind turbines. I love them. AND there are pink hues in the sky which makes this a valid entry for BCAM! :)

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