Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Not such a good day!

My back went into spasm in the office this morning. It's 2 floors up in an old terraced house with narrow windy stairs. Even though the hospital is right across the road we had to get an ambulance to sort me out - entonox and morphine.
The lovely ambulance team, my work colleagues and hospital porters did a sterling job getting me downstairs - amid some shouting and swearing from me! But by then I was foggy from all the painkillers and the hours drifted by while I lay rigidly, not daring to move on my trolley in A&E.
I eventually got admitted to a ward and I have a pain killing drip that I can give myself as needed so I'm a bit more comfortable this evening.
A cup of tea and 2 slices of buttered toast tasted sublime.
I've now got to try and get out of bed to have a pee on the commode ...
Oh the indignity!

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