Just Landing

'Come in number 785'

'Who me?'

'Yes you! You with the fly just landed on her nose!'

And it's rained....

The dogs in the car kept looking expectantly wondering if I was going to let them out and every time I stopped, within a minute the heavens would open! A towel on the seat didn't seem to cut the mustard with the water and mud scenario going on. I need to get the dog cage back in the trunk but I always feel a bit open to theft with no closed areas.

Number I son landing from NY at Heathrow any time soon - not seen him since the blipmeet in spring in Florida. Woo hoo :))) I didn't tell him the weather is rubbish and now all these mothering thoughts are whizzing through.. but I won't bore you with the whole list LOL!! Or...even any of it......! At his age I think he can cope :)

Well possibly....:))

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