
By jillington

An Old Goat

Well, I couldn't stand it, I had to go back to check on all of yesterday's animals. The little dairy cow was back in her pasture. I can't figure out how she got out but all is well. I knocked on the door of the house by the longhorn and asked permission to take his photo (with my REAL camera.) The woman that answered the door was charming and said that, although she didn't own the cow, the people who do are very nice and think it's great when their cow gets good attention. So, I got back in the car and drove over to the pasture.

As I was walking along the fence-line, the little goat from yesterday obviously remembered me because he came right up to get his neck scratched. He called this old guy over. While I tried to get a good shot of the bearded-one, my buddy started eating my hooded sweatshirt! We had quite a tug of war but, in the end, he let it go. The Longhorn wasn't scared of me at all and posed beautifully turning his head from right to left so I could get every angle. It was SO fun. I decided, though, to introduce you to this guy. As you can see, he's had a bit of wear and tear, but, really, haven't we all?

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