Elle Amanda

By elle17amanda

Bright Lights of Broadbeach

The night started with free karage & rice and ended in free mint gelato :)
all in all a good night ;P

also before I went gallivanting through broadbeach I visited my childhood home, just to see how it was holding up. Spur of the moment I knocked on the door to ask if I may photograph the outside to show my Mum it was being well looked after.
Met the lovely old couple who now live there and they we're so gracious as to invite me into their home, they also invited me to take photos of the inside and the backyard aswell. Beautifully kind people who take pride in the house which my parents built, the husband and their son renovated the bathroom completely and their granddaughter loves playing in the garden. Made my day to know that they love and enjoy that house as much as I did [my old bedroom is now the craft room :)]

Yet another reinforcement of my growing belief that people in general are genuinely kind :)

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