Working Birthday

Now then, a lot of planning went into today. The actual annual leave was booked many months ago as part of my campaign to get through my holidays with taking December off.

I was cutting it fine with getting the new bike in time for the birthday ride out with OS_1 when I ordered it a couple of weeks ago but I was in with a shout.

Then came the call that my presence was required in the office and I hemmed and hawed but eventually side OK provided there was cake.

And there was cake.

In other news, the bike arrived yesterday so that was a bit annoying as I could have gone out riding but ..

It rained. OS_1 was working. And the seat post needs shortening (think Warwick Davis).

So, on balance, a good day. I stayed dry. There was cake, I was amongst friends. The folks came round this evening. There was more cake. Seeing OS_2 on Friday.

And so to bed.

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