
For the past two days, the loudspeaker outside college has been blasting out Gregorian chant over the smokers. I don't know what they thought about it, but I found it strangely soothing, if slightly surreal. Today I discovered where it was coming from - the Boyan Ensemble, a Ukrainian choir from Kiev, were rehearsing in the Easterbrook Hall. They had a concert last night in the Crichton Church - wish I had known about it :-( Still, I enjoyed seeing them on YouTube - listen to this moving Prayer for Ukraine.
I was an assistant to John today as he was in the studio taking low key photos of a very pretty art student. She was surprised to find out how tricky this photography business is..
While walking through Dock Park later on, I discovered these berries overhanging the path. Attractive though they may seem, they are only good for birds to eat, and are poisonous to humans. They are the fruit of the Bittersweet Nightshade plant (Solanum dulcamara) , which has pretty purple and yellow flowers.

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