the bad weather in the morning. Nevertheless after my haircut I walked to the pond, saw my dear birdfriends and noticed the cut of the willows that stand at the shore of the little canal. I smiled and greeted their new style.
The tree- haircutters had come to where they stand and cut and cut and it was a pretty sight to see that the jackdaws knew very well that there was a surpise of food to be found after the process.
Mischa made lemon cake to have with our tea, we sat cosely inside and enjoyed our company, little tasks to be performed.
In the morning Piet Hein and I had sorted out a lot of his wardrobe and felt satisfied that day three had gone so well.

My haiku:

Please notice our bald heads
The jackdaws picking upon
It finding little bites

And the quote by John Hall Wheelock in A true poem is a way of knowing:

A child when it begins to speak, learns what it is that it knows.

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