Sexy legs

At some point this morning someone decided that the huge metal framework around my lower leg and bolts going through my foot might not be quite enough for my consultant to work out which leg needed attention. I didn't notice when my arrow was drawn but it did make me laugh.

So, is done. You cannot the imagine the relief and bliss of having a normal shaped leg and foot. There was loads of blood, supporting my decision to not be awake during the whole procedure. They just kept putting more dressings on and then a nice big bandage and a sexy foam shoe. And of course a lovely stocking on other leg to finish the overall effect.

So now I have to "build myself up to" being fully weight bearing. It feels bloody odd and sort of internally painful when I put weight on it. It should get better each day (actually no one has said this to me, it is what I have decided in my head but I think sounds about right). Tomorrow I am going to wear jeans and Wendy the nurse agreed that I should absolutely be planning to go to the pub on Friday night. I am very happy!

In other news, Daisy waited for an hour for Simon Mayo to sign the newly found Itch book. Then he had to leave and she was sent back to class with no signature. But she got to miss French and she said he was "quite good" so not all bad.

And just a thank you to you all. I don't know how much I will look back over my recent journal in the future but your amazing comments , love and support has made every single day much easier than it would have been otherwise. You are all amazing, thank you so much x

And just to put it all into context, the first episode of the baking was two days before I broke my leg. Feels like a complete circle!

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