Moon gazing

I've let myself down badly.

There is a very rare blood moon tonight - a total eclipse, and according to the TV pundits (never believe a TV pundit by the way) the best time to see it would be between 9 and 10pm.

So, I got my tripod setup, I got the camera setup, I set the tripod where I thought the moon was going to be. And I did all this with plenty of time to spare. Checking every 10 minutes or so. The moon was rising nicely through the trees. Should be clear of them by the appointed time.

Then the blankety blank thing went sideways. It didn't go where I thought it would. At this point you can possibly sense my inexperience with moons.

So I trotted round the other side of the house, camera and tripod under my arm, finally found the moon - and it wasn't red at all. In fact you could hardly see it. It was just this muddy looking dark thing, that you could barely see with a squint.

If you want to see a glorious rendition of the blood moon, don't bother to look here - Raj couldn't find the moon either. Instead check out Lensbrush - he did exactly what I wanted to do, but ever so much better.

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