Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Promised You a Miracle

Evening all,

Very odd day today, difficult to fit any work at all in around my ever burgeoning commitments as chief decision maker with regard the extension.

(Normally I absolve myself of any of these responsibilities and leave them in the hands of the sainted mrs R, however she had to head to a higher calling, or work if you prefer, which left me in the pulpit!)

And what decisions: positions of lights, power supplies, smoke alarms,boiler, radiators, to say nothing of an endless pilgrimage of delivery men searching for enlightenment and signatures on little slips of paper, and a wandering chimney sweep, who may or may not have been for us, but, he was in the area, so we claimed him as well!

Still I dealt with everything thrown at me with a clear mind and clear vision, and so the masses were given direction and instruction, and worked religiously until late into the night.....

turns out there were some plans i should have been working to, rather than my own grand design and masterplan, it also turns out i'm a bit useless and never quite listen,
it also turns out the trades will be coming back tomorrow to correct my misguided doctrine......

tomorrow, i shall leave for work early, and return late......very late!

night all

simple minds

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