Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


Ive been away for a few days, getting sporadic feedback from home.
Mostly quiet..

Until today....

The Princess called today, told me she had served at the funeral of a 2 year old, nephew of my calendar collaborator, James, tragically knocked down and killed at the weekend...
The village mourns....

And then....

tuned into RTE this morning, online, to catch the other news..

A car bomb....


In Newry- not too close to home, but close enough to frighten me, and piss me off.

We Irish, it has been said, posess a gift for words, and have called this decades-spanning atrocity "The Troubles", a typically self-effacing, self-affronting euphimism to describe more than 30 years of murder, mayhem, and attempted genocide, as if it were little more than a migraine.

And to think that it was a Civil Rights March that sparked the whole thing off...

And the fact that it was Newry, a border town, a commercial hub popular with us recesion ridden Free Staters, hunting for bargains Up North....

I suspect that many (if any) Blippers reading this will be British- English, Scots, Welsh.....I dont, and never have, held a serious grievance against you, despite the flag you live under, or our shared history. I certainly never wished you dead, no more than I would wish any harm on that poor God-forgotten but surely Heaven-sent 2 year old child from my village...

But the bastards that set that bonb last night....just.dont.fucking.care.

A final word from me, for as much that my voice matters, to those bags of shit, be they Green or Orange...

NOT IN MY NAME. Remember Omagh.

As to todays blip, well....there could have been a car,bomb just outside.

Now that would have ruined an already fucked up day........

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