A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I have a feeling I have shared Jackson's game face on here previously but as I only took photos at the cross country meeting today and as the others all have far too many children I don't have permission to blip on them you get the boy mid-race. He won two and came 10th out of 53 in one. I think this was one he won. Perhaps he didn't pull the right face in the other.

The ongoing Anna playground saga on goes. Tomorrow I have a meeting with her teacher and am desperately hoping that will lead to a quick resolve. It seems to be escalating very quickly and I am hoping we haven't passed the nipping it in the bud phase.

My back spasms from yesterday turned into full blown non-bending, limited mobility today. Fortunately I had a physio check up for something else so was able to get it treated very quickly. Perhaps I should book a regular 'just in case' appointment as I am sure I will always have something that could do with some attention.

And I managed to squeeze in completing my quarterly VAT return, some work reading and finally speaking to the people who were due to finish our kitchen a month ago and have stopped returning our calls and they have 'promised' to come next week and finish so pieces of productivity and success all round.

Lesley x

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