
By Memories4Me

My Favorite Color is October!

Dear Diary,

The color is peak right now in Maine. This landscape is just a mile north of my house. (A mile south of my house is the pond; I am so lucky to live between such beauty!) These are the Burnt Meadow Mountains and I've always thought that they are called that because of the way this meadow looks in the autumn.

Watching this landscape go through it's yearly transformation from green to gorgeous is such a delight. The bears, and there are a lot of them in these hills, are all settling in for their winter naps in caves up on the slopes over looking the meadow. I love to think of them snoring away in January or February with their newly born cubs curled up beside them.

I do a bit of hibernating in the winter as well but now it is the season of the senses. The sights and textures and smells of October are so rich and tantalizing. The sound of crunching leaves underfoot a treat. Along with the bears, it is time to put the garden to bed as well. The season of growing is done...

There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.

― William Bliss

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