Sava Mist

Returned home today after a terrific long weekend in Croatia supporting the England team at the European Majorette's (baton-twirling) Championships.

I awoke reasonably early to be greeted by a thick fog rolling across the river Sava. By the time I'd packed my bags and loaded the car it was attempting to clear so I spent twenty minutes or so wandering along the river bank capturing some atmospheric misty images.

A two two hour drive to Zagreb - having filled the windscreen washer bottle with water (there's a story behind that, see Thursday's blip) - and a punctual flight into Gatwick only to sit on the M25 car park for well over an hour. The joys of motoring these days.

Got home and managed to transfer photos from the last five days onto the external hard-drive a I don't think the PC will take much more - I'll process a selection over coming days. Managed to catch up with the blips, though it is ten past midnight and I really must get to bed before reality kicks in tomorrow on my return to work. Let's hope they qualify for next year's championships in Italy (by the sea) - we'll start saving just in case!

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