A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Home Cooking

I had to get up super earlier this morning as I had to head to the library to print and complete my ethics form before heading to my first lecture of the day. I bought Kirstin softmints as I sheltered from the rain in the uni shop whilst waiting for her before our lecture. The lecture was about Sherlock Holmes and the development of the detective in literature so it was pretty interesting to me. I headed straight from the lecture to a meeting with my dissertation advisor to hand in my ethics from and estimated bibliography (which I forgot to take so had to email instead). My dissertation is a go, the next meeting I've to have is to show Jim the progression I am making....fourth year is scary already!

I headed back to the flat to do some reading for my dissertation and phoned Dad to have a catch up. Completely forgot that he and Mum are on holiday, however, I managed to persuade him to download the new Lady Antebellum album so I shall steal that when I am next down. I had my lunch whilst on the phone to Rory (I fell asleep whilst on the phone to him last night, I blame the hangover) before heading back to uni for a tutorial and lecture back to back.

Kirstin pointed out that because our dissertations are only for electronic submission (the first year for this to happen), we won't get copies bound with the university crest on the front to keep for ourselves, so we're on a mission to find out if this is still possible. I would love a bound copy with the uni crest on the front, it's part of the reward for doing a dissertation in the first place.

I decided to make a lovely home cooked from scratch dinner after being inspired by Rory trying out a new recipe on his day off, so I made Spanish Chicken. It's delicious, simple to make and quick to cook so it was a winner all round, so tonight's blip is a photo of all the ingredients (minus chicken) required.

Spent the night doing uni reading and writing up lecture notes, which is incredibly boring, so shoved my ipod on to make it more entertaining. I need to get the rest of my music on my iTunes when I go home in a fortnight...the lack of Taylor Swift is driving me insane! Going to spend the rest of the night doing some "fun reading" as I feel I never have the opportunity to pick up a book at the moment!

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