~Pumpkin Patch ~

Today the girls and Sarah came over to play. Emilie and Sarah set up a restaurant along with menus. The food was good and served outside.
(I might add it was in the low 70's which is unusual for us this time of year.)
Then we worked on gifts for Granny and Grandpa Jerry so they will have gifts to open On Christmas when they go to Arizona for the winter.
Next we went to the barn to see the animals and to get to know Peanut and Button Lisa's miniature ponies who are now staying here.
All was good until Layla walked into a patch of Nettle's. OUCH!
Once I got the sting half gone we headed to Bellawood acres pumpkin patch. We walked through the pumpkin patch looking for the best pumpkin then went on a wagon ride through the apple orchid. The kids thought that was great fun.
Stopped by Brent and Lacey's house to check on the progress.( Painting the outside of the house now)
Home by 7, ate dinner, the little girls colored, Layla wrote some more pages of her book and Emilie and Sarah did gymnastic in the dark.

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