One More

We had a close call with Kirby today. I took him down to the Willamette River at Independence and tossed his retrieving dummy into the current. On his retrieval, he choked on some water, and barked like a seal all the way back. This is an unfortunate occurrence that happens to him every now and then as he swims, but it's never been this bad. About 20 feet from shore, he released the dummy, coughing and choking, and swam to land. What really concerned me was that he stumbled and staggered like a drunken sailor as he tried to walk it off. I thought he was going to go down, I really did. I think his heart rate came up and he panicked. I thought he was going to have a heart attack, but he somehow rallied through it all. He scared us, but he made it through.

So today's Blip is for him, because I know he's getting very old and he is slowing down, way down. He is definitely Blip-worthy.

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