Turkeys, again

I know I've blipped these critters before, but I was surprised to see the whole crew across the pasture by the pond this morning.

It rained most of the day and has gotten quite a bit cooler. My goal today was to go to the closest mall and do some gift shopping. My two sisters and I have birthdays 2 years apart, and separated by just a few weeks. Mine is 9/29, the next one is 10/4 and the third is 10/20. For quite a few years now the three of us have gotten together for a day in this area of time to celebrate - no kids, no husbands, so we can talk and be able to finish a sentence. Over time we have included my mother, my niece as she has now become an adult, and my sister-in-law. So, we're doing an overnight in a few weeks and I need gifts for everyone. It took me most of the afternoon, but I came up with some things. I always look forward to this celebration.

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