The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Twin Cities, Pt

I had a good Sunday morning.. did not start well but ended up good.

Photography is now a fever ingrained till my bones and there's nothing I don't want to experiment and know about.

I was at the mall, and came out with another two photography books, (and yes.. I read them...) plus a red filter for my camera. (resisted to buy a infrared filter too.. one thing at time)

So, Today I was shooting straight in mono and using the red filter I just bought mounted in my camera.

I'm developing an apettite for B&W photography.

Why a red filter?
A common problem in black and white photography is that certain colours look very similar when converted into greyscale. For example, some shades of red, green, and blue look completely different in colour, but almost identical in black and white.

A red filter darkens the blues and greens and lights the reds, and oranges.. it's nice for landscape, because it enhances the hue of the sky and pictures have more contrast.

I got many good shots (to my eyes at least) , hard to choose one for the journal.

I was around this building for a longtime, exploring the reflections.

Another at SuckPixel, my other journal

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