Doing my shopping

Well I had a bit of an upset last night. Some horrible people were shouting, singing and screaming as they walked, danced ran along the street and they woke me up. I was woken from a deep sleep so was crying looking for cuddles from mummy. 2 minutes of cuddles from mummy in her bed, I was ready for daddy to take me to my cot. Where I slept soundly, maybe snoring occasionally so loudly that I would kick start the baby monitor.

Today I had a lazy morning. Playing, drawing and watching some movies with mummy and daddy. I may then have had a horrendous nappy, which entailed a whole change of clothes not just nappy. There was a debate about throwing clothes out but they were saved. Today though I tried pull up pants on and I liked them. I also used the potty and told mummy my nappy needed changed, so potty training will commence Friday.

In the afternoon we went to Niamh's party, who is 6. It was a gymnastic party, I had great fun. On the trampoline, in the foam and a huge snack.

While daddy's tea, I helped mummy do the shopping. I picked all my favourites out, put them in my trolley before paying mummy for my goodies. I then got a reward of a biscuit. Mmmm

Of course a busy afternoon means early bed. I asked to go to bed at 6.50pm. Daddy even had to carry me up to my cot. Hopeful for a peaceful night. Tomorrow it's a childminder day so I need my sleep to gets energy to play.

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