But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Now This is Number Five . . . .

. . . When the units did arrive.

Having said they would be here for 10:00 this morning to start the tiling, the tilers duly arrived at 11:00. They seem to be a little cavalier, although they've laid most of the tiles, they left at 4:00 pm leaving the utility room to do tomorrow. Their plan is to return on Monday (when the joiner is due to start fitting units) to do the grouting - which will need to be left over-night to cure. If they were really keen, they could do the bulk of their work today, just leaving grouting for tomorrow and thus avoid inconveniencing all the tradesmen down the line. On the other hand, pigs might fly.

Mrs TD is away for a week-end break having survived a panic - just. First thing this morning I had an email saying the new units would be arriving during the afternoon, we'd have to put them in the living room; this wasn't part of plan; it took some creative storage of the contents of the room to create the necessary space - you can just see the offending items reflected in the window. You may also just see a corner of the sideboard sticking out from behind, almost impossible to access. In it are a small selection of cutlery, crockery, food and, most importantly, coffee making materials and equipment for use until we can reclaim the normal accoutrements of daily life, we don't have a "Plan B".

So, while herself is away having fun, I can't even wade through the stuff stored in the garage to retrieve a trike to go out for some cycle therapy.

The weather has been boring for a long time, wall to wall warmth and sunshine; today's rain has completely reset the balance with more of the stuff than we've had over the previous eight weeks.

I've just posted Tuesday's, "Now This is Number Two."

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