Shetland Wool Week

It's rained all day long! Not like normal rain that's horizontal, this rain was coming straight down :) One of the few days you can get away with an umbrella here :) The rain did finally stop at 5pm :)

A busy day at work in the museum today with the start of the Shetland Wool Week. Also with the wet day, quite a few families in for a look and something to do out of the rain. I had my tea with mam and niece Elise and think it will be a quiet night in Last night I stayed in and scanned loads of old slides of mam's and what a fun we had :)

After a busy summer with tourists visiting Shetland, the numbers had been dropping but thanks to Shetland Wool Week, we get a great October boost :) There will be various knitting workshops on throughout the isles and then coffee, knitting and chatting here in the museum along with these new sheep that have appeared :) You'll spot two women knitting in the background :)

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