
By Teasel

Contrasting Weather

Set the alarm last night as we had to be up early (for a Saturday). The alarm went off and I lay in bed listening to the rain. BB was going to a Cubs Fun Day at an outdoor centre. Got up and looked out all his waterproofs, wellies and spare clothes and made his packed lunch. I had had a message that his football was cancelled due to the weather (though he wasn’t going today because of the Cubs day). Sent BB to get dressed (as a pirate!) while I looked for the Cubs leader’s phone number, when a message arrived that it was off. Hurrah! – after a day and a night of rain and the prospect of another day of rain it would have been miserable.

So, we were all ready for the day by 8.30am and it was pouring. I wish we had stayed in bed for a while longer! I got stuck into some chores and BB had a quiet morning, pottering. The rain stopped around lunchtime and the day was transformed into blue skies and sunshine. What a contrast – they would have had a lovely afternoon at Cubs, but they would have been soaked through, so it really wouldn’t have been much fun.

BB wanted to do exactly what we did last Saturday, so we headed to Dunbar. We had the play park to ourselves and it was very pleasant in the sunshine. We then walked round by the harbour – only one seal today – and on to the second play park. He is now looking forward to Dr Who, though it is on a bit late for him. Will I let him stay up?

Here is the Marean moored in Dunbar harbour. I love the harbour stonework - view large to see it.

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