Life of a toaster

By jivetoaster


So, the half-millennium blip. What to do.

Picture of the digits 5, 0, and 0? Hardly original.

Something connected to the year 500? Well, Chinese mathematician Zu
Chongzhi died in 500 - he made the most accurate calculation of pi during
his time, an estimate which held the record for several hundred years. But
I didn't know Zu so it didn't seem appropriate.

A collage of my personal greatest hits? I was tempted, because it always
seems that you post your own favourite blips when no-one's looking. Either
because they're backblips, or you're posting at some ungodly hour. I did
pick out my 16 favourite blips for this very purpose - here there are,

The one that was used for an advert in The List
The one where I serendipitously got the WB setting wrong
The one of the velvet statue
The one of the stairwell in GoMA
The one of the ruined warehouse in Tradeston (now "Luxury flats", right next to the M74!)
The one of Carrbridge at night
The favourite one from my infra-red filter phase
The one with the puffins
The one with all the EMR
The one where my best pal turned up
The one of the washing
The one of the dancer
The one of the swallow
The one of dawn over Glasgow
The one in the fog
The one of the motorway being constructed

I then decided to go back in time a different way. It occurs to me that I've been a less-than-diligent blipper. Had I been taking my one-a-day like a good little boy, my 500th blip (or blip D as I prefer to call it - when in Rome and all that) should have appeared on the 23rd of April 2008. However, I did consciously take a year out from blipping starting Jan 1st 2008 (ended up more like a year and a half), but surely there was something interesting that April? What was I doing that day which didn't merit a blip?

Well, on checking, it turns out I don't know, because I didn't take any photos that day. Oh well.

Anyway, I mucked about with the IR filter again, this time down Clydeside. Here's a juxtaposition of the newest and oldest constructions on the Broomielaw - the IR filter brings out the flow of the water, rather than the wavelets on top. Must take it up to the weir sometime soon to see what effect it has there.

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