With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Three legs

I've changed this blip.

We went out round the back of the mountains (due to the hill climb race) and had a great lunch in Escorcha. We arrived to see the Guardia Civil helicoptering off a broken leg (and its human owner I hasten to add) to applause and a cheerful wave from the crew. Cool. I then ate a goat's leg. Then I saw a goat limping across the field way below. I joked that it only had three legs and I had just eaten its fourth. The waiter told me the first bit at least was true. Gulp!

We zig zagged down to Sa Calobra which was blissfully deserted. The boys and Scooby had a joyful swim and the sun set. This goat still had four legs.

Getting back to Fornalutx for a takeaway, we found the American Road was lined with encampments of partying rally enthusiasts, little lights twinkling on the hills and a very welcome sofa back home.

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