
By TBay


This is a shot I would associate more with early summer, but this is mid autumn! Seasons are all very odd at present. My roses seem to think it spring again and are showing the lovely new growth associated with May time not October! I do so love the coppery tones that these new leaves produce, however it will all come to an end soon, with colder weather on its way. I wanted to capture what will probably be the last of the summer today.

Farming - Maize silaging today. Took Mr Tbay and Raymond to the customers farm this morning as they had left the forager and tractor and trailer there after finishing on a farm nearby last night. Raymond has man flu and sounds awful but he is a brave little soldier and is continuing to work! He was well dosed up with day nurse etc! Good days work by all and they even managed to get to the next customer this evening and finish him too. All very important as the weather will be changing making conditions wetter which is always a pain for maize silaging.

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