Sunlit silver threads

I have backblipped Holiday Day 2 Blip meet ...... do hope you will have a look :-)

Another glorious sunny day (though rather windy) ....... the last for a while if the weather man is right!

Went out for a garden safari ....... saw the sun shining on this beautifully constructed web in my neighbour's garden ....... thankfully the occupant was nowhere to be seen!

So hanging over the fence ...... camera precariously balanced ...... waiting for a moment when the wind dropped ....... I got the shot ....... do hope you like it :-)

Thanks very much for all the lovely comments & stars on yesterday's blip ..... so pleased you liked it!

Thank you so much too for all the lovely comments, stars & hearts on my Holiday Day 1 backblip ....... you really are a fantastic lot!! :-)

Do hope you all have a Tigger-tastic weekend!!!

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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