Snapshots of my life

By cottonista

Good lightbulb, Bad lightbulb

This image is the representation of my day.

Bad: Forgot my ID card, so I couldn't get to my lecture.
Good: Got a guest ID card after running upstairs to get a letter from the Prof.
Bad: 7 minutes late to lecture.
Good: Technical difficulties so lecture had a 10 min late start.
Bad: Fuse went out so my lightbulb died.
Bad: 3:30pm, paper due at 4pm. Paper is worth 40% of my grade.
Bad: Computer in computer lab could not open my doc.
Good: Second try (after running back to my room to re-copy it) worked!
Good: Was able to change to running shoes, so ran to school!
Bad: Could not find the office
Good: Met a girl from my hometown who helped me.
Good: TURNED IT IN with 5 minutes to spare!
Good: Got a new lightbulb :)

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