Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

summer's officially here

I caught a summer cold last week - not too bothersome - sore throat + sniffles.

This week I'm reminded that I'm asthmatic. Coughing, wheezing etc - but on the bright side, the sore throat has gone. This happens about once a year- yes- usually when I'm on holiday. I frantically try to remember where I put the inhaler for when the 'cold' reaches my chest, have to check the expiry date as I now rarely use it- I'm in luck- it expires next month. It will be better by the time I go back to work on Thursday.

I think I must be allergic to holidays. Note the sun block - I'm waiting for the freckles to join up. Haha! I'm used to them now, but as a teenager- I always covered up - especially at discos - they positively luminesced.

Am about to eat last nights leftovers for lunch. waste not want not.

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