Autumn ...........

................ leaves.

All of a sudden the leaves have changed colour - when did that happen?
For the past couple of weeks the weather has been summer-like with unseasonably warm temperatures here in eastern England and now ........ leaves are turning gold, falling all over the floor and the mornings are damp and misty .... beautiful.

Thank you for all the "derelict" comments yesterday ...... I am now officially a derelict spotter - trying to build up a list of a few locations for the coming Thursdays :-))

It's Friday - so have a great weekend wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

~ Anni ~

Silly Joke of the Day

A couple goes to an art gallery.
They see a picture of a beautiful and well-endowed, naked women with her private parts covered with leaves.
The wife doesn't like it and moves on but her husband refuses to move and just stares at the picture.
The wife asks: "What are you waiting for?"
The husband replies: "Autumn."

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/125" : 85mm : ISO 1800

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