CAP Quiz

Terrible photo, but that's what happens when you ask someone else to climb the ladder and take a photo!!

Nerves had been fairly shot for most of the day but I figured I'd enjoy the quiz night! (Especially being that Matt was back in town!)

I did.

Up until we were leaving!

As we were leaving Rocky (another dog) came up to Jewelz and stood very still quite close to her. I wasn't very sure about it but there was nothing I could do about it. Then he decided he didn't like her and went for her, knocking me over in the process. I grabbed his collar but couldn't pull him off. Cathie was on the other side but still couldn't stop him. Then Sarah came. Still he wouldn't release her! I could feel myself starting to panic at this point, thinking he had Jewelz by the nose. Finally we got him off and away. We then just sat on the floor to let heart beats return to normal! The trace of blood that we first spotted on Jewelz' ear didn't seem to be coming from her anywhere! She was absolutely fine. Rocky must have just got mouthful of hair!

What a blessing that she is so hairy!!!

The walk home and another look and feel all over confirmed that she was fine.
It didn't do much for my already shot nerves though! :/

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