
By WeeDragon_J


Just after putting on last night's Blip, the phone rings - A Mum fall - in transit to A & E at Little France ;-(

Taxi there 20 quid! Stayed for just over 3 hrs, Mum more, before being discharged with Mum plus stookied left arm, just as well that's the weaker arm, taxi struggle home. Tried to cheer Mum up with the fact that she hadn't been out after midnight for years :-)

Fell in garden, didn't press buzzer straight away ! Aaargh!!! Bum shuffled to door then pressed alarm. Don't know how long she had been there but lucky to be sore all over and a stookie and no worse!

Stayed over but couldn't sleep, went shop for easy make things, lots of cups of tea and food, SW came down, gave me a lift home and I'm going bed early. SW going to stay over then go to work tomorrow, I'll go back over tomorrow to see how things are. But totally exhausted and going to bed once this Blip dinner has gone down to my big toe ;-)

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