
This morning we did the usual doggle wander up Cuween Hill just as the day was brightening. It's a lovely view up there and also good bunny chasing oportunities for the hounds.

Before Gorgeous headed out for work, he armed me with a reciprocating saw, hedge trimmer and an extension lead. He looked quite worried leaving me with so many sharp electrical implements. I have spent all day removing a big section of the garden which was a jungle. It was also private poop land to Taliscularis the Big and secret burial ground for lots and lots and lots of his bones.

The ground is now almost clear - One tree obliterated, one heavily pollarded and a couple of apple trees tidied for now (pollarding to follow in winter). Endless rose bushes removed, plants cleared and one great big, stonking, mahoosive fire had. Everything has been burnt. Tomorrow there will be more devastation and more fire.

I feel I have somewhat deserved the meal we are going for this evening at a very nice restaurant. We also have a voucher to spend there for £100. Really looking forward to indulging :)

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