Slightly achy from digging out bushes in the garden last night (and breaking the fork in the process), I was joined by my beautiful fiancée for the wander up the hil with the woofers. Rabbits were chased, voles were pounced on and there was a great deal of mad running around. I dread to think what the dogs would be like if we didn't spend as much time walking them as we do...
Back home and I left HV in charge of power tools and extension leads. She said she was going to be "gardening" whilst I went out to work.
I dropped in at lunchtime to find that HV had indeed been gardening. Although it was more a case of slash and burn. Aged shrubs and trees had been brutally hacked back and their severed limbs piled on a bonfire. A massive change for the better, with more light in a previously overgrown and under used area of the garden.
I trundled out with the dogs, then out to work again whilst more devastation occurred in the garden.
The gardening has finished for just now, as we are off out for dinner at the Foveran this evening. It should be good :)
I liked the spider webs on these fungi growing out of an old tree stump in the woods.

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