
By RobinBanneville

The Scenic Route

Tuesday ... and having decided that I wanted to capture the last sunset of September, I managed to finish my tea in time to drive down to the east coast of Guernsey before it disappeared ...
What I hadn't been counting on was a cloudbank on the horizon, which meant the sun disappeared about ten minutes early ... It literally bobbed out of sight as I was parking up my van ...
However, the one thing that I have learnt about sunsets, is that you don't have to be able to see the sun itself to get a good picture ... :o)
I took several shots from my first stop-off point and had a nice chat to a fellow photographer who I saw also capturing the display ... Then after about 15 minutes I started to drive home taking the scenic route ...
This blip photo is quite a good example of why I call it, "The Scenic Route" ... :o)

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