An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Silvery Tay...


Up to Dundee this afternoon for Alan's appointment with the gastro consultant at Ninewells.

Saw a lady this time. She is pleased with Alan's progress as he is responding to the steroids at last! She agrees with us that he should complete this course of steroids and continue on his usual medication and we will monitor things. So relieved they are not pushing for him to change to the other medication with the scary side effects. That idea will be parked for the time being. We go back in two months, which is fine. I am glad they are keeping a close eye. I was worried that when Alan moved from children to adult services, they might not be so proactive but I am pleased to see they are.

Realised today that I've lost a week somewhere as it's next week I get my carpal tunnel release op, yet I was convinced it was the week after. Oh well. Need to get my head round how I'll manage with one hand for a week or two. Not going to be easy but at least everyone will get a laugh when they see my un-blowdried hair and make-up applied by my left hand. I will try and post a selfie to give you all a hoot but not sure how I'm going to hold my camera!

Blips from next Wednesday are going to be difficult interesting! :D

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