Forget about those getaway vacations
To romantic coastal towns
If you want to say "I love you"
Then put that toilet seat down

Brad Paisley - Ode de Toilet (The Toilet Song)

sometimes a Blip comes from a totally unexpected source . . .
sometimes a Blip just appears before your eyes without any pre-planning . . .
sometimes a Blip can become a series . . . and I feel a series coming on – or is that pure loo-nacy ?

Looking back to image one and image two, I now present the image for today.
In the UK a toilet facility can have many names – including a loo.
How kind of this church to provide a private toilet facility for the quieter members. I imagine it must not take much cleaning . . . hehe . . .

If I find more for the series Lonely Loo, you will be the first to know.

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