
By maddischeib

Our Three Person Lunch Table

My lunch table consists of three people; me and my two best friends. We sat at a bigger lunch table with more people last year and we thought it would just be easier if we’d sit at our own table. Last year we pretty much only talked to each other because the rest of the table never talked to us so we figured there’s no point in doing that again. We sit three people at a table seating 8; so I’m pretty sure it looks a little weird but we don’t really care. One benefit of sitting that many people at a table that big is we have enough space to work on homework, (even though we are supposed to do it at home). I’m sure we get sick of each other at times but who doesn’t every once and a while. In my opinion the only problem to a three person lunch table is if two people are absent then you have to sit by yourself, and that’s not too fun. As you can see in the picture, I’m pretty terrible at taking pictures without people noticing. I was trying to get a picture of them being themselves and doing whatever, but that didn’t work out in my favor too well.

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