
By cowgirl


The cats come in through the back door in the morning for their breakfast, then often leave through the front one ( even though it only takes seconds to get from the back garden to the front of the house, but that's not the point, is it?! ). As I opened the door for them this morning I saw I was blocked in by this spider, who was busy spinning a huge web from one side of the door to the other!

I'll have to dap down on my hands and knees to get under it later! Can't imagine it will last though, Sav's not keen on spiders! Better leave him a note if he doesn't wake up before I go to work ...

Could do with more sleep myself really. Arfa's still got a bad eye and is less enthusiastic about going out at night. He spends a lot of time sleeping on our bed and was there when I went to bed last night. At 4am I awoke to the sound of cats " moaning " outside, and found Arfa wide awake on the windowsill trying to see what was going on. Neither of us could see anything, so I went down to investigate. I don't need two cats requiring veterinary attention. As I opened the door, Shadow appeared and trotted in, and the noises stopped.

Both cats had a snack, then asked to go out, so I opened the front door and we all peered out ... They went out, and suddenly I was aware of a panting noise ... The cats fled - thanks boys, leave me to the mercy of some rabid axe murderer. In the street lights across the green I could see the figure of a man walking up the road and in the darkness between us I realised his dog was batting about on the green! Now, my eyesight's bad, so I couldn't see him clearly, but I couldsee him, therefore he could probably see me hovering about in my doorway ( hall light and outside light both on! ) in my nightie. I doubt he saw the cats. I can only wonder what he must have been thinking!

By now it was 4:15 so I tried to get some more sleep. At 4:45 I was aware that there were lights on in the house, so got up to say hello to Sav. Then we worried because Arfa hadn't met him in the car park like he normally does. A quick search out the front located him, so we applied another dose of eye cream to him and then I went back to bed.

Shadow is now fast asleep on the sofa ( we seem to have settled the rights to the left and right side now, I hung on and defended my territory, the rhs is mine! ) and Arfa is back on the bed. I may have to join him for 40 winks to get rid of the headache I have this morning ....

Thanks for sticking with me through today's mundane write up. I usually spare you the details, but anyone who has a cat/cats will know that this is just run of the mill stuff. I could write like this several times a week, but I fear I may finish some of you off with boredom!!

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