Year 2, Day 255 - Blending In

This didn't work out the way I had hoped and it was pretty windy so it's not quite sharp enough!

I have been so tired this week that I have been getting up at the last minute so poor Aonghus is getting short walks in the morning... Tonight I went up to the North Third for a long walk and because he goes daft in the woods up there - loads of deer and rabbits! Knee is paying for it after long walks two days in a row...

It's the 1st of October and I chased a red admiral butterfly and a dragonfly along one of the paths that edges the wood. When I say chased, I tried to sneak up on them but they kept flying off along the path... But it's amazing that they are still about! There were also a couple of dragonflies at the curling pond the other night.

Tonight was camera club and it was the first competition of the season, judged by David Hay. I had 3 digital entries and I am chuffed because two of my shots scored 17 points! One was a golden beetle taken at Flanders Moss and the other a portrait of Dale. He was very complimentary of both and said they were both technically well done - which is a laugh for the portrait because I really didn't know what I was doing!!! I went out of my comfort zone in this competition and it paid off - wasn't expecting to get such a high score for the portrait! My other entry got 16, so a good night and a good start to the season!

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