Between Two Trees

So THE day arrived and The Boss dully loaded up Suzz with tons of gear and NO ME, knowing that the day’s Blip was in the camera…Check!
This Blip had actually happened when he walked out of the shower and spotted it out the window. It is amazing but I have lived here 6 years and The Boss has never made this image before and in fact The Bossess was also surprised but there it was all that lovely light and The Boss running to get his camera without his curls on and FURTHER more, sliding the window open so he could rest the lens against the frame, still without curls. It is lucky that the neighbours don’t open their blinds till later. Barks fail me.
The Big competition went 30 minutes over time but no one really cared. I do however have a serious grouch with The Judge who rejected a grrreat image with Sam and Moose in it shaking water all over the place. It was a grrreat session and our Judge who has a wonderful sense of humour instructed, entertained and delighted the audience and no dogs got any prizes BUT there were 2 cats that did. Discusting…
Paw Note…The Boss remembers in High School singing alternate words to today’s title and wonders if there are any older Blokes out there that may recall that.
Lean out the window a bit

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