definitely autumn

Well its been a while but thank you to those who have shown concern and kept in touch, its mainly you who have pricked my conscience and rekindled the desire to put pen to paper or should it be "pictures to blip" ... I have the missing hoards but that will take time and I thought I would just start from today and gradually add the other ones in the space !!!!! .... what a lovely day its been and this shrub growing in the wall looked so nice in the afternoon sun I thought I would share it with you. I did miss a cracker this morning though, a sparrow hawk dived down and caught a wood pigeon in the garden but the dog startled it and the hawk flew, the pigeon which had flapped like fury managed to fly off as well, a bit bald but alive nevertheless ... lucky pigeon is all I can say ... it would have been a good blip though you must admit ... take care ... :)

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