On the turn!

I went up to Penicuik today to have lunch with Mum and Jim then in the afternoon the three of us went down to Peebles to look at a new car for Mum. I was fascinated by the to of this tree that I could see over the roof of the dealership. I liked the way it was starting to take on its autumn colours from the top down.

When I got up this morning it was to a lovely email from KK's owner to say that she had spoken to someone at the quarantine kennel and KK had arrived safely, was tucking into her food and was "super friendly" to all the staff so I guess the whole journey to the other side of the planet has not fazed her at all. She still has another plane journey to do on the 11th when she leaves quarantine but that's only a short hop over to Tasmania.

Thank you to everyone for all the lovely comments wishing KK a safe journey.

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