Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

New Tablecloth

We had a couple of friends over for Saturday lunch this weekend - the Wonderspouse did his usual fine job of cooking and my job was to find the dining table so we didn't have to get our guests to sit on the sofas and eat off their laps.

While I was sorting, moving things and cleaning anyway I decided to install the new bright tablecloth that my parents in law gave us at Christmas time. We're both agreed it brightens the room no end.

It was lovely to see our friends, with whom we have much in common and much shared history. She is an old schoolfriend of mine who I've known since I was 11. We also went to college together and she shared a house with the Wonderspouse during college days. She was also one of my bridesmaids when I got married. He's her lovely husband who, like me, is into planes. He brought me a fabulous book written by a Vulcan test pilot!

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