MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Teaching Tuesday

it felt as if I lay in bed forever this morning.....but once up, I knew I had a few chores like ironing that needed to be done.

Started my day with a 10.68km run, with some walking up the dreaded hills I dislike so much in the forest...a few patches were muddy so walked those as well. I stopped and had a short conversation with a retired man who was riding a horse in the forest with a pony following behind. We spoke about where in South Africa I come from, what I am doing in Germany etc etc...

Got home and then did the ironing while watching the morning TV show...

The evening I made Salmon with roast butternut and sweet potato with salad for dinner ( its Butternut season in Germany, something we only get here in Autumn..)

Last night I went to teach The Power Ladies..

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