Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Random alleyway....

Today started wet but cleared quite quickly. As I wandered along the seafront I decided that a photo of the castle emplacement was in order but as I got to the slaughterhouse I saw a friend i used to work with driving by. I waved and he stopped for a chat. And we carried on chatting until it started to rain again so I turned around and went home without a blip.
I'd been invited to ring at lunchtime but that didn't go brilliantly and fired up (my fault) so we had a practise instead. I hope tomorrow lunchtime's ringing goes better...
I drifted around town and snapped this alleyway at the top of Lefebvre Street (my name; different spelling) and with a bit of messing in PS it is now my blip.
I then visited the photographic display by the inmates of Guernsey prison, which is part of the Guernsey Photography Festival. Their photographs were excellent.
Yesterday I received an email with the photographs I took with the disposable camera. They were truly useless; and I'm being polite! I did learn that you can't take photographs inside (a house or a church), nor in over bright sunlight. There were a few that resemble my best photographs of yesteryear (dreadful but you can make out the subject though not the reason for taking the pic). I'll try to find time to put the on my blip folio...

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