
It's October. It must be Autumn.

And the Italian Garden at Trentham is most definitely autumnal. They've been working to renovate this superb garden for the last ten years or more - and it's now at its height.

In the summer I love to walk round the lake, stretch out and enjoy the space and views.

But today I saw something that I had never noticed before - the sheer lush beauty of the autumnal grasses and the mix of colours.

It takes something to keep a butterfly off my blip page (and there was one lone small tortoiseshell posing before the rain came) but the richness of the garden, in front of the ruined shell of the house, was something rather special.

As were the new statues..... for another day.

I needed this. I'd driven to see my Auntie Betty who is 94 and has had a nasty fall and broken her pelvis. I know she was pleased to see me, but I felt so helpless and unable to do anything....autumn.

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