
By Instography

Texture: abrasive

What a day of disasters. First, I lazily put my Lumix on the arm of the sofa after taking the battery out to put in on for a quick charge before going out. While I'm putting the battery in the charger I hear the bang and know immediately what has happened. To be honest, it's not the first time it's fallen but it will be the last for this particular LCD. Smashed. Ouch. God knows what that will cost to repair. Half of me wishes it was a write-off so I could buy an EP1. I have two original Pen cameras and love them although it takes me ages to get through a roll of film.

Disaster two was to drive all the way to Loch Ard, still with two canoes strapped to the roof but this time fully intending to use them. The whole loch was completely frozen. As was Loch Achray and Loch Venacher. Loch Katrine was open but I don't think canoes are welcome there. Anyway, it was late by this time so a wee walk up the shore with only an iPhone for photos had to suffice. (Disaster zero was that I'd lost the charger for my Canon and all three batteries were flat. Thankfully, I've at least managed to find that.)

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