Miss Carol

Today we headed into the hotel where Eco sister works, I have never been to her work patch ever, she has worked in the Middle East fro about 15 years. The first thing that really struck me was how well the staff treated Eco sister and all the lovely thing that said about me sister.

Eco daughter had researched the hotel and was delighted to find it had a Chocolate Gallery, so this was our destination today.

The kids decided on a fondue each, it was impressive and tasted beautiful. I opted for a simple pot of tea and some muffins.

Eco daughter was invited into the chocolate room to meet the chef and had to get her hair netted up before helping to make some chocolate.

It was another warm day so we sat outside for our food. This is pure luxury.

Eco sister had taken the week off so she wanted to explore around so it was off to Al Ain to the zoo. For a desert country they are really trying to 'green' the place up using waste water for irrigation. Along the highway are date trees and grass. Al Ain has all the natural springs and the rocky mountains so was fully of flora.

The zoo was well laid out and the animals had loads of room, i was interested in the native species and all the wild birds flying around. They haev white lions which are lovely, we saw a 2 hour old set of twins from a native wild sheep and baby African wild dogs who were so cute.

As the light faded we headed over to the bird of prey show, quite impressive with owls, hawks and eagles. The highlight for me was the vulture running around with a meaty bone.

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